Auto-fixable import sorting rules for ESLint

ESLint config snippet for sorting imports automatically on file save. Works well with Next.js

The pretty much standard way of sorting imports in JavaScript:

  • 3rd party imports first
  • then local default exports
  • and then local exports

And here's the snippet that sorts them in this exact order and satisfies my needs completely!

$ npm i --save-dev eslint-plugin-import
# or
$ yarn add -D eslint-plugin-import
// .eslintrc.js
const fs = require('fs');
const ignoredSortingDirectories = ['.git', '.next', '.vscode', 'node_modules'];
module.exports = {
  /// ... some other configurations
  rules: {
    // ... your rules
    'sort-imports': [
      { ignoreCase: true, ignoreDeclarationSort: true },
    'import/order': [
        groups: [
        pathGroups: [
          ...getDirectoriesToSort().map((singleDir) => ({
            pattern: `${singleDir}/**`,
            group: 'internal',
          { pattern: 'env', group: 'internal' },
          { pattern: 'theme', group: 'internal' },
          { pattern: 'public/**', group: 'internal', position: 'after' },
        pathGroupsExcludedImportTypes: ['internal'],
        alphabetize: {
          order: 'asc',
          caseInsensitive: true,
    // ... your rules
function getDirectoriesToSort() {
  return getDirectories(process.cwd()).filter(
    (f) => !ignoredSortingDirectories.includes(f)
function getDirectories(path) {
  return fs.readdirSync(path).filter(function (file) {
    return fs.statSync(path + '/' + file).isDirectory();

Published on November 26, 2021 1 min read